Now that Christmas is almost over (I say almost because I am refusing to let go just yet, admitting its over means I'll have to take off my onesie and stop having chocolate for breakfast and I need at least one more day) its time to start thinking about 2014 and all that it can bring with it.
Many people will begin to reflect on the closing year and start to think about all the things they wish they could go back and do differently or they choose to think about what the past year has taught them and what they would like to change about themselves for next year, usually involving losing weight, giving up smoking, getting a new job etc. but for me, I think a little differently; I prefer to think about what I can take on in the new year, rather than what I can give up.
I will turn 22 in February 2014 and although I know 22 is not old, I recently had a bit of a panic about my upcoming birthday. I know most people reading that last sentence will probably laugh and if they're older than me will probably be thinking 'Oh wait until you turn 25 or 30 or whatever age said reader is' but for me its not about being 22 that scares me, its that my whole life I couldn't wait to be 21. I knew that I would have finished college by the time I turned 21 and had dreamed that 21 would be my adventure year. I had hoped that 2013 would be filled with travelling, finding my dream job and really achieving something and as I started to reflect, I realized that I hadn't done any of those things, which then got me thinking.
I am a firm believer in the bucket list. I think it is much more positive and more likely to be a successful new years resolution if you choose to take on or try something new rather than trying to give up something. This time last year I made my very own bucket list, which I lost and can't remember what was on it but this year will be different; this year my two best friends and I have made a joint 2014 bucket list.
We decided that we would each choose 4 new activities, make a list of the final 12 things and made a pact to do one thing from the list each month. We each went away and began googling bucket lists and things to do before you die and came up with all sorts of ideas from crashing a wedding to swimming with sharks, but we tried to keep the list as feasible as possible and we have yet to decide what order we will do them but here is our final list:
1. Walk to the top of Mt.Brandon
2. To jump off the top of a waterfall
3. To do something for charity
4. To visit the Cliffs of Moher
5. Kayaking
6. To do the Electric Run in Dublin
7. Get a map of Europe, choose a destination blindfolded and travel there for 2/3 days.
8. Go to a musical
9. Hot Air Balloon
10. Go glamping
11. Water Zorbing
12. Be extras on a film or TV show for a day
Now I know lots of you will be thinking parts of our list aren't very exciting or maybe you've already done most of it, but bucket lists are very personal, and will be very different for each person. We just wanted to make sure that by this time next year, we can look back and enjoy the memories we made trying these new things, and who knows, maybe it will become an annual tradition for us! Seeing as none of us are overly flush with cash these days, we've also decided to choose something luxurious that we really want, like expensive make up or shoes (I'm choosing a pair of Louboutins) and we are saving a small amount each week so that in one year's time we can each buy our luxury item!
I can't wait to start our 2014 adventures but I have also made a list of some personal things I would like to achieve such as paying off my debts, passing my full license driving test, developing the blog, spending more time with my family and friends, reading more, taking more photos and things like that.
One major thing I wish to do in 2014 is to live more! We spend so much of our lives working and cleaning and doing all those grown up things that we sometimes forget to just live, have a duvet day, a water fight, get outside and get some fresh air, go to more concerts, go to the beach, make a fort with your kids or nieces/nephews, bake! The lists are endless, but just remember that life is for living!
This post is a bit different to what we usually do here at Recessionista Styling, especially since it isn't fashion or beauty related, but we have exciting news, in 2014 we will be launching a brand new website, new name, and new format and we will be expanding the scope of the blog to include lifestyle pieces as well as lots more fashion, beauty and hair posts too!
I will be writing a post about each of our experiences as we do them throughout the year!
We can't wait to finally share our new logo and new website with you, it has taken a lot longer than we originally thought but we're just happy to be so close to the launch!
We can't wait to finally share our new logo and new website with you, it has taken a lot longer than we originally thought but we're just happy to be so close to the launch!
Thank you for your continued support throughout 2013, we wish you all the best for the New Year!
Recessionista HQ