Hi Everyone!
A few weeks back, in our New Year, New You post we revealed that once our new site was complete we would be broadening the scope of our blog to include more lifestyle pieces as well as some random blogs about whatever takes our fancy. As our site is not fully complete yet, I decided to start posting some lifestyle and some random posts anyway, so enjoy!!
The ANTI-Fairytale!!
As kids we grew up watching Disney movies and reading fairy tales, not just us girls, but young boys too so how do we end up as adults with such different views on romance??
(Image: www.harrietlilly.wordpress,com)
Somewhere along the line, most boys begin to watch and read other things like action movies and wrestling yet us girls tend to move on to pre-teen fairy tales, then teen fairy tales and eventually the dreaded 'rom-coms' A.KA 'Fairytales for Adults'.

(Image: www.famousquotes365.blogspot.com)
Now before anyone goes thinking that my post is purely stereotypical of men and women, its not, I am fully aware that some men love a good rom com (even if they don't admit it) and some women love a good action movie. I know that some men are very romantic and some women aren't. I know that some men believe in the classic love story and some women, well, don't!
I am one of those women. The 'anti-fairytale' enthusiast.
Before you go closing the tab, hear me out, read the whole post before you judge!
I believe that rom coms and disney movies and fairytales with all their happy endings and huge gestures of romance are hugely responsible for women expecting so much from men and being disappointed on a regular basis.
(Image: www.cinderellaincombatboots.blogspot.com)
Some men are great at romantic gestures and I applaud them, I really do. In a society that regularly mocks men for showing too much emotion, calling them 'whipped' if they do what their other half wants all the time and all of that nonsense, it must be very difficult to publicly or privately, have the balls (excuse my french) to carry out an OTT romantic gesture, so genuinely, fair play to the lads that do!
However for the most part, women dream of romantic men and men aren't all that romantic. Women hope for a man that surprises her with a bouquet of roses and candle lit dinner, or one that can sing her a love song that he wrote just for her, or one that stands at her front door holding adorable handwritten signs confessing his love for her, (we're looking at you Love Actually), the list goes on, and on, and on.
The point of this piece is not to complain that men aren't romantic or that it is a crime to watch a romantic comedy, it is to simply explain that we should learn the difference between fairytales and real life, and if I'm being honest, we should be taught this from a young age!
Women spend their whole lives searching and wishing for a fairytale romance, to be swept off their feet the moment they meet their one true love and hope that they will drive off in to the sunset and live happily ever after. We are so busy dreaming of fairytales and happy endings that we sometimes miss the things that are right in front of us!
Love is complicated, everyone knows it, but I think that we complicate it so much more because we think it is supposed to be a certain way! Think about it, we put tonnes of pressure on relationships because we expect it to be the stereo typical rom com, fairytale filled with seriously OTT romantic gestures.
Fairytales do exist, but not in the way it is shown in the movies!
When you meet the love of your life, something happens; your life as you know it, will end, just like they say it will in the Ps, I Love You movie BUT you probably won't even notice, at least not until later, way later.
You will look back one day and try to remember what your life was like before you met him, and you won't be able to. You will try to remember what you did on a Friday night or who was the first person you used to call when something amazing, or something tragic, had happened, and you won't be able to remember. You will try to remember who you used to call before you went to sleep at night, or who you used to include in all your plans, but you will not be able to remember. You won't be able to remember because when you met each other, it was the end of life as you knew it!
(Image: www.indulgy.com)
He won't say he loves you for the first time over a candle lit dinner or on top of the Eiffel Tower, but in your first fight, because he needs you to know right at that exact moment. He won't buy you flowers for no reason, but will pick one from the garden when he knows you're feeling down. You will have fights, but he will know how to make you laugh so you can't stay mad. You won't get to spend every second of every day together but you will appreciate the time you do have together so much more that way. He won't surprise you with diamonds but he will surprise you with your favourite chocolate. He will be your best friend and one day you will look back and realize that while you were busy waiting for a perfect fairytale to moment, you were living in one!
See, I'm not a total pessimist about love, just about the perception women seem to have about romance!!
The truth is, love is messy, life is not perfect, there is such a thing as a happy ending, but it might take twelve boyfriends, two husbands, a college degree,a divorce, five career changes and a mid life crisis to get there. That's life. That's the real fairytale!
Recessionista HQ
Please Note:
If you're dating a millionaire and he flew you to Paris just to say 'I Love You' on top of the Eiffel Tower, surprises you with diamonds and huge bouquets of flowers all the time then this post clearly does not relate to you and you can disregard everything you just read :)
Please Note:
If you're dating a millionaire and he flew you to Paris just to say 'I Love You' on top of the Eiffel Tower, surprises you with diamonds and huge bouquets of flowers all the time then this post clearly does not relate to you and you can disregard everything you just read :)
Great writing Megan! The husband is lying here beside me snoring suppose it's all part of the fairytale! Lol